How to Get Out of Your Head & Get Unstuck

Arylle Young
3 min readAug 28, 2020
Photo by Jeremy Perkins on Unsplash

You’re not a failure, you’re not stupid, and you are probably more creative than you think you are. When we get in our own heads, we let negative self-talk get in the way of productive and creative ideas that could help us get out of a rut. Self-doubt is the BIGGEST killer of our hopes and dreams and at its core, it’s a huge driver of us feeling stuck.

Every story has a beginning, middle, and end. Like most of us, it doesn’t matter whether you’re 20 or 50 you can always choose where to begin. If you are among the 40% of Americans who aren’t using their college degree, you might be trying to figure out the best way to make sense of your past so you can move forward. Remember everyone has options. Part of getting unstuck is ignoring the barriers in front of you and noticing the outlets that are right in front of you. The next time you feel a prolonged sense of stagnation or the lard starts forming around your feet, remember these tips to help get you through.

  1. Feeling Stuck is a Sign. When negative emotions arise, take this as an indicator that you need to change your nouns, as my aunt would say. Your nouns are the people, places, and things surrounding you. It’s not always easy to change the place you’re in but you could start with simple things like changing your bedsheets and cover to changing the music you listen to. This is important when it comes to the subconscious things that we feed our souls. You may be giving life to negative thoughts in conversations with a friend. Try to limit those conversations or steer the conversation toward a productive topic. Become more aware of the people, places, and things that instill creativity in you rather than feelings of inadequacy and the spirit of comparison.
  2. Small Steps Become Big Steps. If you accomplished a small win today, like submitting one application, you are still making progress on your goals. You can’t win if you don’t play, so from the wisdom of Curtis Jackson better known as “50 Cent”, just keep doing stuff! Small consistent moves lead to big wins in the game so stay focused and allow your baby steps to fuel you from getting out from under that wet blanket.
  3. Stop Overthinking JUST DO! We can consider the possible outcomes and the possible pain to the point that we do nothing at all. Have you considered your pros and cons at least once? Great! Then, practice some radical decision making, land on a solid option, and stick to it. I don’t condone making rash decisions without consideration of the proper precautions. Overthinkers, like myself, have a tendency to analyze every possible outcome and then reanalyze for accuracy's sake. Once you make a decision, allow the outcome to reveal itself. You’ll never move if you don’t make a move. It sounds simple right? Because it really is!
  4. Take a Moment to Enjoy the Flowers. Too busy focused on the future and regretting the past to appreciate life. Why bother thinking about things that you wish were happening? Instead, focus on what you can enjoy today. Take a step back from those monthly goals to take a walk outside or call a close friend. Train your mind to search for new outlets and ideas to light your fire. Look for beauty in the smallest things and the spirit of gratefulness will fill your subconscious mind with helpful energy to get you past it.
  5. Now it’s Time to Write. Writing doesn’t have to be this daunting task in front of you. You don’t need to know what you will write. Your first sentence could be “I don’t know what to write.” minutes later, you’ll be flowing with random thoughts that’ll turn into epiphanies. Start with one word and let the rest come to you.



Arylle Young

Helping professionals find meaningful lives after leaving their 9 to 5 while designing my own life. Showing you that life transitions are fun!